


The GeneLab Bioscience provides specialized training for scientists and organizations through webinars, seminars, and hands-on workshops. Our programs cover a wide range of topics, from basic laboratory techniques to advanced molecular biology applications, including sequencing, process optimization, and protocol development.

Recent training sessions have focused on essential skills such as pipetting, mpox detection, and quality management systems, as well as more advanced topics in laboratory practice.

Quality management is very vital to the sucess of our organisation hence our training of our staff on ISO 9001 and 15189

Abnormal number of chromosomes in a cell is reffered to as anueploidy. Anueploidy is used to detect some genetic conditions in embryo. 

Pipetting is very essential in molecular assay for precise and error free assays. Our scientist are trained on how to use a pipette and are also able to train young and upcoming scientists on how to use the pipette

In the month if August we carried out a 5 days training at the The GeneLab bioscience facility with NAFDAC staff on mpox detection. Training covered DNA extraction, cPCR and Gel electrophoresis.